From 1004 to 1000 BBY, during the New Sith Wars, the Tunroth's home system fell within a region controlled by the Sith. Duros immigrants settled on the Tunroth colonies of Kalok and Saloch and heavily influenced the architecture of those worlds. The system became integrated into the galaxy as part of the Yushan sector and the Corellian Trade Spine hyperlane. The Tunroth later colonized Saloch², another world in the system. Some star-charts identified these planets as Jiroch-Kalok and Jiroch-Saloch, and together with Jiroch-Reslia, spacers called them the Triumvirate. The Tunroth soon made use of galactic technology to colonize their system, with the Assemblage of Three advocating the simultaneous colonization of Kalok and Saloch. After Duros scouts, who were exploring the Jiroch system, made first contact with them around 9000 BBY, the Tunroth quickly joined the Galactic Republic.
They had not developed advanced technology, instead functioning on animal power and handcrafted goods. Before galactic contact, Tunroth society had developed into a peaceful hunter-gatherer civilization.